Primary School

Primary School

Primary School

Primary school aims to develop creative, confident and inquisitive learners who have the ability to synthesize and evaluate information, make sound choices, and communicate effectively.  The major focus in on holistic development that encompasses physical, emotional, social, and cognitive well-being of students through participation in special events, activities and assemblies.

Family engagement activities like Parent and Student Together [PAST], parent-teacher conferences are incorporated. Vigorous health and safety programs and campaigns, orientation sessions by doctors and school nurse are conducted to promote healthy and balanced lifestyles.

Outdoor learning opportunities through field trips, experiential trips and excursions are planned to provide students with hands-on learning experiences to develop a deeper connection to the concepts and foster a sense of stewardship for the planet.

Ongoing Formative assessments, Peer assessments, Self-assessments and Teacher Observations etc. foster a sense of self-awareness and accountability in students, promoting independent learning and self-motivation.


Our language programmes aim to enhance the students’ language learning skills by developing their proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students emerge as independent thinkers, confident communicators, analytical readers, proficient writers and flag bearers of global and cultural awareness.  

Our curriculum comprises of English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, French, Hindi, Arabic, Islamic Studies, Moral Education, ICT, Performing Art, Physical Education and Visual Art.