

Principal's Message


M. Sheela George

ASPAM Indian International school has evolved into a beacon of educational excellence over the past decade. The school connects every aspect of school development to the vision and mission statement and sets a tone of respect and engagement among all stakeholders in the growth of the institution. 

The pleasant environment seen around is conducive for learning that creates space and time for collaborative approaches among the staff and students.  The school leaders provide strength-based strategies and practices that focus on becoming more responsive to the changing dynamics of the school environment.

Over the years , the school has nurtured and sustained a learning culture by building structural shifts among the educational & administrative school leaders, effectively implementing research-based instructional practices in curriculum and assessment. We consistently work on enhancing the learning behaviour of students through hands-on approaches, integrating new technologies in lesson transaction and implementing a whole-school literacy approach through  various creative and innovative teaching and learning methods.

Students from kindergarten to the senior classes are moulded to work  independently, persevere, respect their work and consistently practice to achieve their best.  The first day of school is a celebration for students and staff, by interacting and communicating the academic journey and approaches to get charged for learning.

Self –reflection is an essential aspect for all stakeholders, as it reminds everyone that their job at school is to grow and glow. The school values student voice and ensures their participation in all major decisions framed towards academic progress and student activities. To enhance language and literacy standards, dictation and reading are integrated into all core subjects, empowering students to take charge of their learning and be accountable for their progress.

The school provides an inclusive environment where academic activities and extra curricular programs are designed with each learner’s strengths, passions and needs in mind. At ASPAM IIS, we strive to create a culture of coherence and accountability with the core subject department heads conducting weekly meetings for common planning, reflecting on the instructional practices and assessments while the school leadership meet with the principal every other day to listen, share and review procedures and systems.

Leading Together is our watch word & we prioritize meeting with stakeholders to make informed decisions and lead the school with high expectations for academic success, health, safety, and well-being.

Understanding that efficacious leadership is the catapult that shifts the cultural paradigm of successful and sustainable school improvement, the school places sufficient importance on receiving continuous feedback from the entire school community and strives to move forward to the next level of achievement.

Affiliated to the CBSE curriculum, ASPAM strongly believes that every day, every student matters and ensures to sufficiently provide hope, care and support for all students through mentoring programs, emotional support initiatives and establishing an atmosphere of equality and equity that motivates and nurtures skills for developing a sustainable future.