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5 Reasons Why Teenagers Should Maintain a Diary

There is an apparent conception that diaries are childish, yet many forget to notice the good factors of this very simple activity. At Sharjah International School, we encourage students to spend some time alone and write what all they want to achieve in life.

There are five reasons as to why teenagers should maintain diaries:-

To open up and vent out: This is especially useful for those teenagers who have a difficult time opening up, trusting showing emotions openly or to those who simply have a difficult time talking to others.

Save memories: Think about it, finding a diary you wrote when you were 10 years when you are 30, it would be precious to have a throwback of childhood thoughts. I am sure your smile will be so broad that cheeks would hurt.  Whatever it is, resolutions on a New Year’s Eve, you broke a nail that you loved silly or serious and you don’t want to talk about it, write it to the dear diary, you won’t be judged, it’s a secret keeper and you will feel better. Whether the memories are bad or good it doesn’t matter, because in the end the good memories bring a smile on your face and the worst ones help you find what’s wrong with your life.

Keep it for to-do lists: This not only lets you keep account of what all to do, but at the same time it gives you the simple yet incomparable happiness of succeeding in doing something. Yes, it can be done in a laptop, but how can you compare ticking off a box on your laptop to ticking one in your diary.

Improve your writing skills: There is no better way to improve your writing skills than writing itself.

A getaway from technology: Technology has become an important part of daily life and it is also said to be misused making this one of the best ways for a teenager to keep away from technology. Not only that but keeping a diary helps us realize our personality a bit more and helps us to understand own ways of treating different situations in life.

Arunimah Sajeev

YT Ambassador

ASPAM Indian International School